Task Transfer and User Approval Transfer
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Task Transfer and User Approval Transfer Identification Menus Related User Help Document
1.System Infrastructure Definitions
It is the menu where personnel information is defined and the infrastructure required for other Modules is constructed.
1.1.BSAT (Bimser System Infrastructure Definitions)/ Definitions
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Descriptions/ BSAT/ Definitions
It is the part where the Qdms infrastructure definitions are created in the system. Information such as personnel information, customer information, product information required for the use of the Qdms system is defined in the system.
1.1.1.User Consent Transfer Identification
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ Bsat/ Definitions/ User Approval Transfer Identification
In the approval mechanism, the transfer of the approval process from the original approver to another user is the menu from which the transaction is performed. A user's approval task on a record can be delegated from that user to another user. While the entire menu is authorized in the proxy process, only the transfer of the approval authority is given with the approval mechanism transfer menu. This menu is used in a situation where a task has not yet occurred in User Approval Transfer but the task will occur when the flow is finished. It is the process of transferring the approval processes of the user, who is also the main approver, for example, Action opening approval, Döf closing approval, etc. to another user. Thus, since the approval processes such as Action On, Döf closing approval, etc. are completely transferred to another user with this menu, the approval process is completely in that user.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: A new user confirmation transfer identification is made.
: The user confirmation transfer information selected in the list is deleted.
: Search by filtering records.
To add a new user confirmation transfer information to the User Approval Transfer Identification screen, click (new) button opens the User Confirmation Transfer Identification/ New Registration screen.
On the screen that opens, there is the main user in the first field and the transferred user in the 2nd field. On the screen that opens, the Principal user information is selected from the Select Personnel list defined in the system.
The Transferred User information is also selected from the Select Personnel list defined in the system.
After the required fields are filled, click the ! By clicking the (save) button, the User Consent Transfer Identification registration process is performed.
1.2.Configuration Settings
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings
These are the menus in which special settings are made in the qdms system. The settings made in these menus are common to all Qdms users.
1.2.1.Mission Transfer
Menu Name: System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Task Transfer
It is used to transfer work on a staff member who has left a job or to transfer work from one staff member to another staff member. It allows the existing work on one position to be transferred to another position. With task transfer, operations of all task types such as reading, approving, reviewing, performing actions are transferred to another user, while only the selected approval authority can be transferred with the approval transfer menu.
With the help of the buttons on the screen;
: The currently selected tasks are transferred.
: Search by filtering records.
The current job can be transferred to a different position by selecting the person who is currently waiting for the job in the To do field and selecting the position field to which the duties will be transferred. After selecting the task to be transferred in the corresponding Module, click "Transfer selected tasks" () button and the task transfer process is performed. In order to assign tasks to the pending jobs of the modular contact, the task transfer process will be explained step by step in the Task Transfer menu by applying the relevant sample operations in the Modules. The Action Management and Document Management Modules as modules will be shown in the Task Transfer menu of the transfer of the relevant sample operations. Transfer for Action Management Module
After the Main Action Plan is created in the Action Management Module for the sample application for transferring the jobs that exist on one position for the Action Module in the task transfer menu to another position, the action items connected to this plan are created and task assignments are performed.
Create a Master Action Plan
Menu name: Integrated Management System/ Action Management/ Planning
In the Action Planning menu, it is the menu where the main action plans are prepared in accordance with the company's action resources such as OHS, environment, quality, production, planning, information security, meeting.
To create an Action Plan(New) button to display the Action Planning/ New Recording screen.
After the required information has been entered! With the (Save) button, the "Master Action Plan" is saved and displayed in the list.
Create an action pen (task assignment)
Menu name: Integrated Management System/ Action Management/ Planning/ Items
After the Master Action Plan is created, action items related to this plan are created and task assignments are made. By selecting the relevant main action plan on the Action Planning page, click ! Clicking the (Pencils) button displays the Action Pen Planning screen.
To add a new Action Pen to the Main Action Plan, click (New) button to display the Action Pen Planning/ New Registration screen.
Action Information tab;
This is the tab where general information about the Action Pen is entered.
Additional Files tab;
Additional documents/evidence such as photographs, drawings, meeting notes, decision minutes, if any, related to the Action Pen may be attached.
Routing History tab;
If the pop-up action execution job was routed to another person by the person who will do the job, all routing information is displayed under the Routing history tab.
After the necessary tabs and fields are filled in during the Action Pen creation phase (Save) button registration is performed.
On the My pending jobs page, the task is listed as "Actions to Be Performed" in "Action Controller" and "Actions to Perform" in "Person to Do Work**".
System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Task Transfer menu is clicked. In the Task transfer menu that opens, the tabs where the Modules are located are clicked on the tab with the name of the relevant Module. Example: Action tab for Action Module.
In the person who will do the current work in the person who will do the work list, in the Select Personnel list defined in the system(select) button.
The person who will take over the tasks information In the Position Selection list defined in the system in the position field where the tasks will be transferred(select) button.
After selecting the person who will do it and the position information to which the tasks will be transferred, after selecting the tab where the Modular to transfer the tasks is located, the tab where the relevant Module, the Action Module, is located(Search) button will list the jobs that are on the person's pending jobs. In the list of all pending jobs related to the Action Management Module that is listed, the Perform Action job in the example is selected.
The person who is currently waiting for the job can be selected in the Person to do field and the position area to which the duties will be transferred can be transferred to a different position by selecting the current job. If you want to send an e-mail about a task assignment, the relevant check box is checked in the Send Task Assignment E-mails field. After selecting the task to be transferred in the respective Module! By clicking the (Transfer selected tasks) button, the task transfer process is performed. The system transmits the message "The task transfer to the position you have selected has been successfully completed" when the selected tasks transfer has occurred. After the transmission of the message, the Task Transfer process was performed for the Action Management Module.
The tolerator's task on the My Pending Jobs Page is now dropped over the pending jobs, and the task is dropped as a task on the person's My Pending Jobs page to the selected one in the position field to delegate. Management Module Task Transfer for All Tasks
The Action Management Module of the person who will do it can also do all the tasks on the related Pending Jobs with the help of this menu in the process of transferring the tasks to the position to be transferred with the Task Transfer menu. System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Task Transfer menu is clicked. In the Modules tab of the Task Transfer menu that opens, select the Action tab for the Action Management Module and select (Search) button is clicked. All pending jobs are listed on the person who will do the action management on the pending jobs. The Select All field checks the corresponding check box to select all pending jobs that are above the pending jobs.
"Import currently selected tasks" (![] after selecting all task to be transferred in the corresponding Module" (
) button and the task transfer process is performed. The system transmits the message "The task transfer to the position you have selected has been successfully completed" when the selected tasks transfer has occurred. After the transmission of the message, the Task Transfer process has been performed for all tasks selected Action Management Module. Transfer for Document Management Module
In the Document Management Module, in the Document Preparation menu, in the Document Preparation menu, the task of the person whose task falls on the task of "Pending Opinions "Pending Documents** ", which has a job pending in the Feedback stage, will be transferred to another person. At the first stage, a new document preparation process is made in the Document Preparation menu in the Document Management Module and sent to the opinion at the view stage and the document is sent to the My Pending Jobs page as a job.
Document Preparation Process
Menu Name: Integrated Management System/ Document Operations/ Document Preparation
The "Document Preparation" menu is used to prepare a new document within the scope of management systems. The "Document Preparation" menu opens to prepare a new document. From the folder tree structure, the folder where the document is to be prepared is selected and ! Click the (Next) button.
Document Information tab;
The basic information of the document is defined.
More Information tab;
Document Type selected is selected. If it is a document that is processed, the "Form" option is checked, and if it is a document such as procedure-instruction, the "Document" option is checked
Vision tab;
If the document is requested to be sent to the users' opinion before the control approval, the day and person policy is determined and the opinion matrix is defined.
Add User Group/
The personnel selected by clicking the Add position button are added to the matrix.
The attendance policy field specifies how many people are asked for their opinions in how many days. For example; It is enough for 1 person to give an opinion to the opinion within 3 days.
Document tab
The document to be uploaded to the system is the document in the Document File Upload (Turkish) field (add file button) and the upload process is performed.
(add file button) button to start the file upload process.
The File to be uploaded is selected with the Add File button on the system.
When the document is uploaded, the "file has been successfully transferred" information is received.
After all the preparation processes related to the document are completed, the The document approval process is started with the Submit button. The document prepared for the opinion will go to the opinion because the opinion is requested in the document.
Feedback requests are assigned as "Pending Documents" on the "My Pending Business" page. A task transfer process is performed in order to transfer the task of the relevant person as "Pending Documents" in the Document Management Module on the My Pending Jobs page to another person with the help of the Task transfer menu. System Infrastructure Definitions/ BSAT/ Configuration Settings/ Task Transfer menu is clicked. In the person who will do the current work in the person who will do it, in the personnel list defined in the system(select) button. The person who will take over the tasks information In the Position Selection list defined in the system in the position field where the tasks will be transferred
(select) button. After selecting the Person to Do information and the position information to which the tasks will be transferred, the Document tab where the Document Management Module, which is the relevant Module, is selected from the tab where the Modules to which the tasks will be transferred is located.
After selecting the Person to Do Information and the position information to which the Tasks will be transferred, after selecting the Document tab where the Document Management Module, which is the relevant Module, is located from the tab where the Modules to be transferred are located(Search) button will list the jobs that are on the person's pending jobs. In the list of all pending jobs related to the Document Management Module listed, the "Document Notification Pending Feedback" job in the example is selected.
The current job can be transferred to a different position by selecting the person the job is currently waiting for in the Person field and selecting the position field where the duties will be delegated. After selecting the task to be transferred in the corresponding Module, click "Transfer selected tasks" () button and the task transfer process is performed. The system transmits the message "The task transfer to the position you have selected has been successfully completed" when the selected tasks transfer has occurred. After the transmission of the message, the Task Transfer process was performed for the Document Management Module.
The tolerator's task on the My Pending Jobs Page is now dropped over the pending jobs, and the task is dropped as a task on the person's My Pending Jobs page to the selected one in the position field to delegate. Management Module Performing Task Transfer for All Tasks
The Document Management Module of the person who will do it can also perform all the tasks on the related Pending Jobs with the help of this menu in the process of transferring the tasks to the position to be transferred with the Task Transfer menu. While the task is in the Transfer menu, in the Modules tab, select the Document tab for the Document Management Module and select (Search) button is clicked. All pending jobs are listed on the person's pending jobs related to document management. The Select All field checks the corresponding check box to select all pending jobs that are above the pending jobs.
Once all the tasks to be transferred in the respective Module have been selected, click "Import currently selected tasks" () button and the task transfer process is performed. The system transmits the message "The task transfer to the position you have selected has been successfully completed" when the selected tasks transfer has occurred. After the transmission of the message Task Transfer process has been performed for the selected Document Management Module of all tasks with the process. Transfer for Different Modules
Tasks related to the Module can be transferred by selecting different Modules in the Task Transfer menu. The Action Management Module and Document Management related tasks in the examples are transferred with the Task transfer menu.
For the Action Management Module, click the Action tab from the tabs where the Modules are located. The person to do it is selected in the Personnel Select List defined in the system and the position to which the duties are to be transferred is selected in the position List defined in the system. (Search) bot to select the task to be delegated.
For the Document Management Module, the Document tab is clicked from the tabs where the Modules are located. (The search button selects the task to be delegated.
By going to the pending jobs page of the relevant person, it is seen that the task transfer process related to the Action Management Module is performed.
By going to the pending jobs page of the relevant person, it is seen that the task transfer process related to the Document Management Module is performed.
This menu can be used to delegate tasks to people with errors, for example, to correct this error when assigning to a person on leave. In addition, all Modules related tabs can be selected in the Task Transfer menu and All Modules can be transferred to all tasks on the person in their related pending work.